
Reminiscences of former pupils and staff members.

Do send us your own here.

The Reminiscences included here are reproduced as submitted to us and the OCA do not accept any responsibility for accuracy or otherwise.

Eric Austin (Pupil 1925-1932)

Raymond Carter (Pupil 1925-1931)

Anton Coy (Pupil 1958-65)

Colin Easton (Pupil 1958-1965)

John Gooding (Pupil 1925-1933)

Douglas Honer (Staff 1948-1972)

Colin Marsh (Pupil 1959-1966)

Tony Massey (Pupil 1947-1950)

Tony Mellows (Pupil 1947-54)

Mike Roberts (Pupil 1956-63)

Graham Steele (Pupil 1956-1963)

Reg Whellock (Pupil 1926-1932)

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