OCA Magazine 2023
The links below will take you to additional material for the 2023 Old Croydonian Magazine. These additional items are password-protected in the usual way.
1. Page 23 - Selhurst Memories - Where it all began - the Croydon Education Committee document 'Parent Undertaking'
2. PAGE 33 - Becoming a New Prefect in 1945 - OCA members Susan Hitch (nee Betty Rogers-Smith) on the extreme left of the front row and Margaret Peters (nee Bligh) in the middle row fifth from left.
3. PAGE 35 - 2022 Remembrance at The Crescent Primary School - OCA committee members Bob Smith and Mike Gay-Cuming by the Memorial Boards.
4. PAGE 36 - HM the Queen opens Croydon College in November 1960.
5. PAGE 40 - Old Girls Reunite at Hampton Court (left to right Arlette Beelitz nee Mason, Gwyneth Weir nee Rose and Penny Boydell nee Presnail).
6. PAGE 42 - Where I Was When ... - London Road, Norbury in the 1950s.
7. PAGE 47 - Thornton Heath Cricket Club - Wrecked houses in Galpins Road caused by gas explosion.
8. PAGE 60 - Remembering Trevor Davies - Middlesex 7's finals at Twickenham 1975 ( Top: John Maynard, Richard Cook, John Davies and Kaled Drabu and Front: Peter Gill, Ian Glassington and Trevor Davies.
8a Letter to Trevor Davies from BBC rugby commentator, Bill McLaren1975.
9. PAGE 62 - Remembering Brian Harman - Brothers Ken Harman, Derek Harman and Brian Harman.
10. PAGE 64 - Remembering Gloria Collins née Martin - Gloria Collins née Martin, Astrid Gray and Gillian Goldsmith née Nicholls.
11. PAGE 67 - Remembering Daniel Phillips - Boys' School Speech Day 1963 C G Humphries, K Jones, V F Larcher, C G Fifield, G V Brenchley, D D Phillips, H J Herzberg, A G Turner and M J A O'Connor. Balliol College competing in University Challenge.